Ultraviolet water purification lamps produce ultraviolet radiation of much greater intensity than sunlight. Most ultraviolet purification systems are combined with various forms of filtration, as UV light is only capable of killing microorganisms such as bacteria, virus, molds, algae, yeast etc.
UV light provides effective inactivation of microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, molds and pathogens without the use of chemicals. A fairly dose of ultraviolet can kill 99% of the fecal coli form and fecal streptococcus.
Why ultraviolet (UV) disinfection is use for water treatment?
Bacteria, fungi and algae are found in most surface waters. Bacteria are measured by culturing a sample and counting the colony forming units per milliliter (CFU/ml). Distillation effectively kills microorganisms, reverse osmosis removes them and UV light can control their growth. All ultrapure water systems must have a 0.2 micron or smaller absolute filter on the outlet to prevent bacteria from contaminating the ultrapure product water.
Why to choose us?
Depending on the size of the industry you may require one or several industrial water disinfection systems to smoothly run your operation. Plus, while there are different types of industrial water filters available on the market, the industrial water treatment systems offered by Excel UV are an attractive solution available at a cost-effective price. Excel Water Technologies offers a range of advanced UV treatment solutions to help operators achieve a high level disinfection barrier while maintaining peak performance and dependable operations.
Industrial water treatment systems offered by Excel UV radiation system are environment-friendly and easy to use to manage. These systems are also easy to install and maintain and the operating cost of these systems are also low. Additionally Excel UV radiation system giving high-efficiency electronic ballasts and precise UV intensity monitors that further sets them apart from their competitors.
Working Principle:
UV light penetrates the cell wall. The UV energy permanently alters the DNA structure of the microorganism. The microorganism is “inactivated” and unable to reproduce or infect.
UV oxidation is a barrier to micro pollutants (pesticides, pharmaceutical industries, seasonal algae- related contaminants.)